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Common 蚊子es

Charlotte County has at least 40 different species of mosquitoes! Each species is unique in the way they look,ir breeding preference, 主机的偏好, 和 even period of activity. 下面是一些最常见的蚊子,并对每种蚊子做了简要描述. 以此为指南,帮助你确定哪些物种在骚扰你,以及它们可能来自哪里!

Culex nigripalpus

This mosquito is one of our most common late summer mosquitoes. 它们呈暗棕色,是西尼罗病毒和圣尼罗病毒的载体. Louis Encephalitis. 雌鱼将卵产在水面上,形成一团漂浮的卵筏. 它们喜欢在淡水地区繁殖,包括沟渠和人造容器. 它们的幼虫有细长的虹吸管,通常以45度角停留在水面上.

Anopheles crucians

Anopheles crucians mosquitoes have palps as long as their proboscis 和 spotted wings. They are primarily responsible for vectoring Malaria. 雌性在水面上单独产卵,喜欢在沟渠和含有藻类的水体中繁殖. Their larvae lack a siphon (breathing) tube, so they are seen resting perpendicular to the surface of the water.

​​​​Psorophora columbiae

Psorophora columbiae 体型往往大于平均水平,即使在白天也可能非常具有攻击性. 它们主要分布在农村地区和/或水域位于开阔草地和田野的地区. They can also be found breeding in ditches along rural roadsides. 雌性在这些低洼地区的土壤中产卵,一旦这些地区被雨水淹没, 它们通常会大量孵化,成为人类和牲畜的滋扰. They are not known to be a disease vector of importance.

​​​​Aedes taeniorhynchus

Also known as "Salt Marsh 蚊子es", Aedes taeniorhynchus species can be vicious biters 白天或晚上. A medium-sized mosquito, 它们往往是深色的,腿和腹部有明显的白色条纹. Although they have the capability of flying far, 你通常只会在靠近盐滩和红树林的地区看到它们. 正如它们的昵称所暗示的那样,盐沼蚊子在咸水和半咸水中繁殖. 当退潮时,雌性在盐滩裸露的土壤中产卵. These eggs can lay dormant for several years! When they become flooded by high tide or a heavy rain event, 如果温度和湿度高,它们会在大约一周内孵化并迅速从幼虫变成成虫.

​​​​Aedes albopictus

alt文本Aedes albopictus is commonly known as the "Asian Tiger 蚊子". They are thought to have been imported to the U.S. 1986年从亚洲运来一批轮胎,并迅速在这里站稳脚跟. Daytime biters,y tend to be small 和 fly lower to the ground. 它们的颜色非常深,胸部中央有一条明亮的白色条纹,腿和腹部有白色条纹. These mosquitoes can be found breeding in tree holes, 凤梨, 和容器, 和 do not fly far from where they hatch. 雌性在水边的容器边上产卵. 该物种是黄热病、登革热、基孔肯雅热和寨卡病毒的媒介.


Also known as the "Yellow Fever 蚊子", 埃及伊蚊 is very similar to Aedes albopictus 因为它们有相同的繁殖地、行为和传播相同疾病的媒介. A rather shy mosquito,y are referred to as ankle-biters, 因为它们会低飞到地面上,反复地咬和飞走. 它们很小, 黑暗, 胸部上方有明显的白色七弦琴形状的标记,腿上有白色的条纹. 它们喜欢在树洞和人造容器以及凤梨树上繁殖. They are daytime biters, do not fly far from where they hatch, 并且喜欢与人类共存,这使它们成为黄热病的有效载体, 登革热, 基孔肯雅热, 和寨卡病毒.

Mansonia dyari & Mansonia titillans

alt文本这两个 dyarititillans species have very similar features. 它们是中等大小的,在日落的一两个小时内变得非常有攻击性. They appear "dirty" or "salt 和 peppery", have a blunt abdomen, 和 narrow white stripes on their legs. 这些蚊子在池塘、运河和有水生菜或水葫芦的沟渠中繁殖. 它们的幼虫依靠这些水生植物呼吸,用锯齿状的虹吸管刺穿根部. 因此,你永远不会看到这些幼虫在水面上休息以获取氧气. 这就是为什么蚊子和水草控制要齐头并进的原因之一. 对某些水生植物的控制有助于减少这些依赖于它们的特定物种的数量.

Psorophora cilitata

这些蚊子也被当地人称为“羽毛腿Galinipper”,是我们最大的叮咬者! 它们又大又健壮,腿毛茸茸的,咬起来很有攻击性,很痛. 你通常会在农村地区看到这个物种,那里的牧场已经被雨水淹没了. 它们的幼虫很大,是掠食性的,以其他幼虫为食,甚至以彼此为食! They are not known to vector any diseases.

Psorophora ferox

这是另一种比一般蚊子更大的蚊子,通常在夏季低洼林地开始蓄水时形成. 它们的腿和腹部长着美丽的紫色鳞片, with hind legs adorned with a white "sock". 它们更喜欢在被水淹没的林地中繁殖,被认为是林地物种,不会传播任何疾病.


Another woodl和 species, 伊蚊atlanticus 是一只中等大小的蚊子,胸部中央有一条明显的淡白色条纹吗. Their legs are not striped. They can be aggressive when seeking a blood meal. Females tend to lay their eggs in flooded woodl和 areas. They are not known to vector any diseases.

Aedes infirmatus

Similar in size, look, 和 behavior of 伊蚊atlanticus, Aedes infirmatus mosquito is also associated with flooded woodl和 pools. 腿部没有条纹,胸部有一大片明亮的白色鳞片,腹部下方也有明亮的白色鳞片. This species is not known to vector any diseases.

Aedes sollicitans

Aedes sollicitans 是一种盐沼蚊子,在盐滩附近的地区可以看到吗. South Gulf Cove is notorious for seeing this species of mosquito. They are strong flyers 和 aggressive biters, 白天或晚上, with a seemingly distinct sting to their bite. 它们的头部和胸部有浅金色的鳞片,上面有黑色的鳞片,胸部两侧有宽阔的白色鳞片. Their legs have white striping. 它们喜欢在含盐的环境中繁殖,而盐滩是它们的主要栖息地. 虽然它们可能是一种非常讨厌的蚊子,但它们不会传播任何疾病.

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